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Tyre Wear Guide

We came across this website ( with some great information on Track Days with a specific section on Tyres. This is an English website so some of the measurements are not metric and not all products on this website are available in Australia, however the general tyre information is a worthwhile read.

You can click on the link above to read more on Race Track Tyre wear if you would like to read this section. If you are thinking of starting to do track days or road racing this website has some great information.  

  • Rick Johnson

Are your tyres ready for Winter Conditions?

Here in Melbourne the cold weather is starting to kick in and if you are a winter road rider now is the time to start thinking about making sure you have the right tyres for winter conditions. Many choose to put their motorcycles into hibernation for the colder season but for those of you who ride in all seasons it is important to make sure the only things between you and the road are suitable for winter road conditions.

As the temperatures become cooler and the roads more slippery you want to be 100% confident your tyres have the traction you need to ride safely in these conditions.

Here are a couple of things it is important for you to check....

  • Rick Johnson